WHO MOVED MY CHEESE by Spencer Johnson

This is book is a good, quick read that packs a punch; I love the simplicity and clarity it presents.

Centred on change, “who moved my cheese” challenges readers to think differently about change and explains how this mindset shift can equip us for success. Through the central story we learn not to allow fear, particularly fear of change, to hold us back.

HEART & HUSTLE by Patricia Bright

Heart and Hustle was a great read full of useful tips for life and for business. Having been a long time follower of Patricia Bright on YouTube, I rushed to pick up this book as I hoped it would have her huge YouTube personality and more of her life story. Sadly, whilst the tone of the book was friendly and conversational, I felt like it missed a bit of Patricia Bright’s warmth. Although I loved that there were a few stories of her life and upbringing, I personally wanted more.

Books to read in your twenties

Being an August child, I spent most of my school years being the youngest in classroom and so wanted to grow up. Add to this the societal view most of us grew up with that being older = freedom (the freedom to stay up late, do what I want and never have to ask for permission). You can quickly see why I, like many, bought into one of the biggest scams of childhood.