THE HERO OF AGES by Brandon Sanderson


If there were any doubts in my mind about Brandon Sanderson’s ability to create a deep and complex world, this book erased them all. His writing is just as vivid and effortless as ever, with every word coming to life in my mind. I was also amazed by how much depth Brandon adds to the world and characters of the Final Empire. This information is gradually introduced through multiple points of view, so it is not overwhelming.

THE WELL OF ASCENSION by Brandon Sanderson


I am at a loss for words for how good Brandon’s writing is in this book. It is vivid, picturesque, and seemingly effortless! Each word from beginning to end drips with so much imagery and suspense that I found it difficult to stop reading. The continued world-building in this story is also very impressive. I loved each new revelation about the magic system and the history of the Final Empire.