SEPTEMBER 2020 Monthly Spotlight

As the dark evenings return, here in England we are fully aware of summer drawing to a close. We are also reminded that we are well into the second half of a year that has sped by.
How is everyone’s “new year resolutions” looking? You still have a chance to smash that one… you know, the one about this being the year to start reading or to read more. So, why don’t you check out our list of books coming out this month to see if anything catches your eye and moves your reading journey forward.

AUGUST 2020 Monthly Spotlight

Whether your summer consists of chilling in your back garden and getting some Vitamin D or going on a world-class expedition and hiking up a mountain, I hope you’re taking advantage of the hot weather (at least for those of us in the UK). Above all I hope everyone is keeping safe. You know the drill, below are new release this month that we are champing at the bit to read:

July 2020 Monthly Spotlight

It’s a new month and that means a new list of books that have us excited! Amidst this season of confusion and adjusting to a “new normal”, we can take comfort in knowing that July 19th is in fact NATIONAL ICE CREAM DAY. If ever you needed an excuse to have some ice-cream, there you have it. Whilst you’re at it, let us know if you excited about any of the new books below or others coming out this month.

Books to read in your twenties

Being an August child, I spent most of my school years being the youngest in classroom and so wanted to grow up. Add to this the societal view most of us grew up with that being older = freedom (the freedom to stay up late, do what I want and never have to ask for permission). You can quickly see why I, like many, bought into one of the biggest scams of childhood.