DECEMBER 2022 Monthly Spotlight

DECEMBER 2022 Monthly Spotlight

‘Tis the season to celebrate our 2022 reading achievements! Whether you have surpassed your reading goals or have not read a single book, there is always something to celebrate. Celebrate the great reads, the books you never finished, the many books added to your To Be Read (TBR) shelf – everything! For more to celebrate, below are some promising new releases to add to your reading challenge or TBR:

DAISY DARKER by Alice Feeney


Final Rating:  4/5 Date of Completion: 7/10/2022 Cover:  4/5 Despite its simplicity, this cover shares strong ties to the story it represents and nicely conveys the genre. Also, the white and yellow colours of the daisies are striking against the black background, creating an intriguing, dramatic effect. …the secret of having it all is […]

GOOD RICH PEOPLE by Eliza Jane Brazier


There is something hypnotic and compelling about Eliza Jane Brazier’s writing in this book. Her conversational writing style and the constant atmosphere of unease kept me deeply engaged. I also enjoyed the two alternating points of view (POVs), as it gives readers the whole picture and adds more tension to the story. The contrast between these two narratives is skillfully used to raise interesting points for readers to consider.