MY DARLING HUSBAND by Kimberly Belle


Final Rating:


Date of Completion: 10/09/2022




With its dark shadows and red text, this design is perfect for the thrilling story it represents. The pops of red and blue are not only striking but also allude to the suspense and intrigue within the narrative.

When you push a man to the edge of a cliff, you can’t get pissy when he jumps



The detailed and vivid writing style does a great job of building tension and suspense throughout the story. Complementing the immersive narrative are the multiple points of view (POVs) that provide insights into the perspectives and lives of the main characters. Most chapters also end with a cliffhanger, making the story gripping and delightfully hard to put down. There are even a few comical moments that provide a brief respite from the story’s tension. These actually had me smiling and laughing out loud.



The story begins with an interview months after the attack, and the atmosphere is charged. Several hints are cleverly used to make readers curious and eager to know more. The events of that dreadful day are gradually revealed alongside previous events to create complex and realistic characters. Despite this, the pace is fast, and the suspense increases as the characters face limited time and high stakes. Equally gripping are the numerous secrets and twists revealed throughout the story. These culminate in an unpredictable yet satisfying ending.

People are more open to a proposition if they’re part of the solution.

Main character:


Jade is your typical, loving mother who is sometimes annoyed by her kids but would do anything to protect them. Her every thought and action revolve around this, and it is constantly shown, not just told. While this maternal instinct may not have made Jade’s character the most relatable to me, it did make it easy to root for her. On the other hand, Cam, the proud celebrity chief, was much harder to root for – especially since he is shown to be somewhat self-centred and selfish. However, it is clear that Cam loves his family and would do anything for them, even if he does not show much consideration for others. Lastly, even the intruder is well-developed with a tragic backstory that raises themes surrounding wealth and greed for readers to consider.

Secondary characters:


Despite the minor roles allotted to the two kids, I adored them both! Clever and rebellious, Beatrice is a great character who makes a few impressive moves and faces the attack like a boss. In contrast, Baxter is an innocent toddler who provides most of the comic relief. The remaining characters play specific roles within the story but fail to make much of an impression.

Ultimately, ‘My Darling Husband‘ is a fast-paced story filled with tension and suspense. The main characters are also well-developed and more complex than they initially appear. Together, these kept the story highly entertaining and gripping. A similar thriller to read would be 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard.


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