I cannot talk about this book without first mentioning the absolutely BEAU-TI-FUL cover that adorns it! I am not ashamed to say that this book was definitely one that I judged by its cover. Seriously, on the computer this cover looks really pretty and easy on the eye, but it is even better in real life! I may or may not have spent the first five minutes after I this book arrived, stroking and staring at the cover. If you have never done this to a book, then you are just weird!
All posts that feature a book from genre historical
JANUARY 2021 Monthly Spotlight
Happy new year!! New year means new books to help you reach those new year resolutions. Below are some new books coming out this month that we are excited about. Check them out and you might just find a book to kick start your 2021 reading journey.
DECEMBER 2020 Monthly Spotlight
‘Tis the season to read, read and read some more. Merry Bookmas! Why not check out our wish list of books coming out this season that make us very excited:
November 2020 Monthly Spotlight
Here in the UK, the sound of fireworks going off can only mean one thing, the official countdown to the Christmas and end of year festivities have begun. Want to finish the year with a bang? Check out these books coming out this month that have us popping off with excitement:
October 2020 Monthly Spotlight
Let’s get straight to the point – Winter is coming. Thankfully, so are new books! Check out the following books coming out this month that are perfect for snuggling up under a blanket:
SEPTEMBER 2020 Monthly Spotlight
As the dark evenings return, here in England we are fully aware of summer drawing to a close. We are also reminded that we are well into the second half of a year that has sped by.
How is everyone’s “new year resolutions” looking? You still have a chance to smash that one… you know, the one about this being the year to start reading or to read more. So, why don’t you check out our list of books coming out this month to see if anything catches your eye and moves your reading journey forward.
June 2020 Monthly Spotlight
As we come to the end of spring and gear up for a “summer” of sorts, reading becomes all the more important with various events being cancelled or postponed. Here is our run-down of the books coming out this month that have caught our attention:
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CIRCE by Madeline Miller
Circe, pronounced – Sur-see; Not circ or circle! Now that I have gotten my pettiness out of the way, let’s talk about the book. I bought this book because of all the hype surrounding it and its long residence on the Goodreads’ Most Read This Week list. This book also had so many positive reviews, so of course I was really excited to start reading.