DAISY DARKER by Alice Feeney


Final Rating:


Date of Completion: 7/10/2022




Despite its simplicity, this cover shares strong ties to the story it represents and nicely conveys the genre. Also, the white and yellow colours of the daisies are striking against the black background, creating an intriguing, dramatic effect.

…the secret of having it all is knowing that you already do.



The writing style is smooth and rich, with incredible wordplay that kept me entertained. Vivid details are skilfully used to bring to life the remote island where the story is set and create a tense, apprehensive atmosphere. The writing also has a contemplative tone that kept me engaged through a constant stream of information to consider. Even the transitions between past and current events are smooth, but these occur so often that they mess up the flow of the story.



Within just a few pages, I was hooked by the mysterious note and gradual introduction to the dysfunctional Darker family. It soon becomes clear that someone has it in for the family as their bodies are found one by one. Woven into this are glimpses of Daisy’s terrible childhood and a ‘dark secret’ which is slowly unveiled. While I was heavily invested in the mystery, I became annoyed by the constant recollection of past events as these eroded the tension and suspense generated by each dead body. I eventually came to appreciate how past events helped define and establish each character, especially as the final revelations were made. With each twist and turn, the loose ends generated throughout the story are nicely tied to give a compelling ending.

There’s no need to be afraid of the dead; it’s the living you have to watch out for.

Main character:


Daisy is a fascinating and endearing character who is easy to root for. Her rough childhood and interactions with her awful family subtly add depth to her character. However, even with the story being told from her perspective, Daisy’s character lacks presence and charisma.

Secondary characters:


The small cast of secondary characters consists of six members of Daisy’s family and a family friend. Despite disliking these characters, I loved that they are each given distinct personalities and different roles in the story. My only criticism is that these characters seemed too calm for the situation – I wanted more hostility and panic.

Everything considered, ‘Daisy Darker‘ is a thrilling nod to And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. While the mystery aspect follows a similar trend, the characters and their backstories are very different, making the story fresh and entertaining. Those who enjoyed this should pick up How to Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie.


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2 Replies to “DAISY DARKER by Alice Feeney”

  1. […] All things considered, I am glad I was not put off by the slow start of this story, as I really enjoyed the second half. Once established, the high stakes and unpredictable storyline made it difficult to stop reading. A similar character-driven mystery to check out is Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney. […]

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