STAY WITH ME by Ayobami Adebayo


Date of Completion: 14/02/2021

Whenever I think of ‘Stay with Me’, I am at a loss for words – in a good way!  The unexpected twists and turns, relatable characters and unfolding story all come together to create a great read that I could not get enough of.

I did not ask questions because I did not want to know the answers. It was convenient to believe my husband was trustworthy; sometimes faith is easier than doubt.

Stay with me‘ depicts the challenges faced by a young Nigerian couple, Yejide and Akin, as they face fertility issues. With pressure from society and her in-laws, the extent to which Yejide goes to get a child, and in many ways to prove her worthiness of motherhood, often appear extreme – perhaps even ridiculous. Unfortunately, this narrative is all too common in Nigerian culture with the pain silently endured.

For this reason, I think ‘Stay with me‘ is a much needed book that brings to light issues that often go unspoken in Nigerian culture. It challenges cultural norms and opens up dialogue about what love means and the purpose of marriage.

Both the readers and the characters are forced to examine how far they would go for the one they love and what they would do in the face of betrayal. This is done eloquently through the exploration of various themes surrounding love, motherhood, trust and relationships in real-life situations.

If the burden is too much and stays too long, even love bends, cracks, comes close to breaking and sometimes does break. But even when it’s in a thousand pieces around your feet, that doesn’t mean it’s no longer love.

The numerous twists and turns in this book kept me fully engaged and second guessing how things will play out right until the very end. Things were often not what they seemed and when the full picture emerged, I was shaken to my very core.

All in all, ‘Stay with Me’ is a great book with a well-thought out storyline and characters – it is definitely worth picking up! I would particularly recommend it for those in relationships and marriages looking for a way to initiate difficult conversations such as:  What does love mean to me? How far would I be willing to go for the one I love? Do children complete a relationship?


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