Final Rating:


Date of Completion: 19/02/2022




A fun and cute illustration that alludes to key aspects of the story. However, nothing about this design is particularly eye-catching.



The simple writing is easy to follow and enjoyable, but it is not hugely striking or engaging. Even the alternating points of view between the two main characters fail to add much to the story as information is often summarised and repeated with each narrative switch. What I loved was the slight integration of the Vietnamese language. This is just one of the many ways Loan Le shows that she is unapologetically proud of her culture, and I was here for it!

There’s so much in your life that you can’t control.… So maybe you can use this chance to do something for yourself.



The storyline starts with a simple introduction to the two main characters and their families. I really enjoyed learning about the Vietnamese culture, especially the family history and food. The complexity of the storyline is then enhanced through the light exploration of themes like racism, family, and chasing your dreams. Although there are several twists and revelations, these were predictable as numerous hints are given in advance. Moreover, the focus on the regular life of the two main characters and their relationship means that the pace of the storyline is slow, making it dull at times.

Main character:


I really appreciated just how different the two main characters – Linh and Bao – are. They are given distinct personalities and challenges that made them very relatable in different ways. Art lover, Lihn, dreams of becoming an artist despite her parents’ concerns. Bao is an average student who is not particularly passionate about anything and is uncertain about the future. As their worlds collide, they beautifully support each other through personal and family issues.

Secondary characters:


The secondary characters consist of family members and friends of the two main characters. While their experiences and behaviours make fairly interesting sub-plots, these characters lack much depth or complexity.



I am a sucker for awkward, clumsy moments, and I really liked that this story has a few of these. The romance that develops remains light-hearted and sweet from start to finish, with some serious moments. However, the romance does suffer from a few drawn-out disagreements that make the story less interesting.

…for people like us, sadness is part of our inspiration

‘A Pho Love Story’ is a short read that presents a cute romance while exploring themes surrounding racism and family. The writing, storyline and characters are all good, yet, the simplicity failed to keep me engaged and invested in the story.


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  1. […] self-discovery journey, and several fascinating themes are incorporated to enrich the storyline. A Pho Love Story by Loan Le is a similar read that those who liked this may […]

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